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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

That Great Day - 09/14/10 (Epithalamium)

Praise and thanksgiving be to our God!
The Father and exalter of Christ.
Who at the same time shall present Him His bride
Clothed in the purest of white.

And who better, then, than this God of ours?
The One that laid down the earth’s foundations.
He shuts up the rains and stores away the snow,
And He calls forth each season’s constellations.

Indeed it was Him that set the seas’ boundaries.
He alone knows where darkness resides.
Only our God knows where the lightning is kept
And for all of Earth’s creatures provides.

It is You, oh God, that shall preside over the wedding
And read to the bride her vows.
Also shall You present her to Christ
For as long as forever allows.

Sing, seven angels that hold the seven bowls!
For you have seen Christ’s bride.
And you will be waiting amongst the Heavenly Host
When all of the guests shall arrive.

Exalt Him, mankind, for His great sacrifice!
His life willingly given for her.
This act, so selfless with cleansing blood
Will wash her and make her pure.

Be gone, iniquities!  Vanish, oh stain!
May there be no rips or torn seams.
All wrinkles and blemishes are long gone.
The blood of the Lamb made her clean.

Trust in Him, sweet bride!
He will care for you, you are preferred.
You need never doubt that His affection is true.
The Lamb’s love will endure.

Rejoice, all creation, at this marvelous sight
When the Church is presented a virgin.
Paul himself promised this to our God
And indeed, Christ’s bride has no sin.

So gather together, lofty heavens above!
Let those on the earth’s voices ring!
Today is the greatest day that has ever been made.
The Wedding of our God and King.

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