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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Step-Nephews And Nieces - 1/5/11 (Quatrain)

It's really funny.  Matthew thinks
His name is Henry, but it's not.
Such a name really stinks.
Madden's the name that he's got.

And then there's Jaxon; funny guy.
We used to take turns fighting Stitch.
Likes third base; no balls get by.
He'll play in the majors and get rich.

Talyn, too, is one of the bunch.
I think he was a dog before.
He fell asleep on my shoulder once,
But his scream is hard to ignore.

A girl in the group is little Teighgan.
She adds charm to the group.
The twins can always make her grin,
And she laughs when you say poop.

Jaleigh is also one of the girls.
She reminds me of a princess.
The sentences that her mouth unfurls
Will make you laugh more, not less.

The last of the bunch is big man Pierson.
One of the cutest kids I've seen.
The guy acts as tough as anyone
Yet he never acts very mean.

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