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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ode To A Fly - 09/04/10 (Ode)

I sit here staring at my wall and wonder if it's worth it
To continue my journey to one day find myself within a pulpit.
I should think that it is!  Get into the God biz!
After all I've gone this far without so much a question.
When one has traveled this far down the road you've learned some lessons!
Yet through the wandering thoughts of the future I can't contain my mind.
It takes off on its own journey to see what it can find.
Wonder where I'll end?  Back to begin again?
As I wonder to myself what thing should catch my eye?
Naught for anything single thing but a single, lonely fly!

This fly was so magnificent, despite what I've been taught.
After all, to simply fly around all day is its lot.
Who can blame it?  Try to tame it!
The fly, a creature so simple, yet complex in design.
You know that each one has probably a jillion eyes?
With eyes like that you know that it will never miss a thing.
Oh the things that it might say if it could only sing!
Wonders of life!  Terrors of strife!
How could so many lessons be learned from a fly?
Because they spend each day observing without ever knowing why!

The fly, you see, is unique in that it never wants or needs.
Instead when it starts feeling hungry, it simply lands to feed!
Once it touches down, there's vomit all around!
Eating, drinking, sipping, slurping:
They're polite enough; never hear them burping!
Though all the odds are stacked against them they never bat a lash.
Even when they see all their friends and children turned to mash.
Flyswatter SQUISH!  Just barely missed!
As the flies are dying, and life begins to fade
They simply lay their eggs to start life another day!

Oh the fly is such an example of optimism!
No system of government, no chance for political schism.
Simplistic life!  Free of all strife!
Six legs, all able to cling to walls and ceilings.
Yet a tiny brain, probably devoid of feelings.
But this is something we cannot hold against the creature!
After all the brain is not something's defining feature!
Heavens no!  It shouldn't be so!
Instead the fly demonstrates what it's like to live at peace.
Even though at all times it is longing to eat grease.

Oh, sweet fly, through the ages you have flown.
Never with the respect deserved, it's never being shown.
Completely unfair!  But don't despair!
Don't you see the tide is turning in your favor?
The day is quickly coming that you should take and savor.
When people see the beauty and design with which you're made
They'll start to understand the lot which you were laid.
They'll respect you!  Keep you safe too!
So next time you pick up a swatter and take a whack at some flies.
Remember that each one is living peacefully as he dies.

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