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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Regionals! - 5/22/11

The game started off and was quite the scene
With two runs coming in and ROWVA taking the lead.

A series of troubles and a good hit or two
Started making us wonder if we would lose.

But that was hardly the case, they fired the gun
And drove in plenty with double home runs.

The twin babies seemed to struggle with hits
But Big P' sent one over third base mits.

Mac D' took it easy on pitchers' arms
And instead shut them down without anymore harm.

These twins, together, with the team, not alone
Banded together ad brought Regionals home!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bufffalo - 5/9/11

Buffalo buffalo buffalo.
But Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo?
Buffalo buffalo buffalo!
They scream, "Buffalo!"
Yet Buffalo buffalo still buffalo Buffalo buffalo
when Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Buffalo buffalo will always buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Frogs - 5/8/11

Do frogs have three legs?
Someone told me that they do.
I think that he lied.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thank You - 5/7/11

I will never forget where I was that day
When the world lit up and we saw the planes.
But despite your hopes and despite the flames
We declared to the world that we weren't afraid.

Finally it's over and we've won the fight
Though some have said that it wasn't right
That we rush in with every bit of our might
and ride off with you into the night.

But that's not what I say we focus on.
Which isn't to say that what he did wasn't wrong.
This man that became a fear icon
Is also a man who made our nation strong.

Those towers fell, and our hearts were fazed.
But out of the ashes a nation raised.
In the face of an act that was horrid and crazed
Through the fog and dust our unity blazed.

You criticized that we feared death and pains.
But for a purpose these are not our chains.
From reasons like terror we will refrain
But death for freedom is in our veins.

Yes, we fear death in the name of hate
Yet such acts will not keep us from our fate.
For us freedom carries too much weight
As for your distractions - we reject the bait.

In closing, now, what I want to pursue -
For years most probably won't be able to do -
And all of their deaths it could never undo -
For giving us purpose and unity, to thank you.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Comin' In Hot! - 5/6/11 (Verse)

Red, orange, yellow, green.
We're the fastest rainbow you've ever seen.
Rollin on by faster than you think.

I'm gonna chase this blizzard with some fun.
I want some Comm. in my lap for some study-un!
Rollin' through streets ya heard me.
And we be yieldin' all the time for safety!

Look at this.  You think it's absurd?
You must be mistaken.
We were gonna drive them to Galesburg
But some people can't eat bacon...

Our day ended in homework and things
But we still had fun with our driving.
Some of us may still have finals to start
But that's okay when we're driving our cars. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

This Means War - 5/5/11 (Sonnet)

The war started long ago
When tempers reached their limits.
We marched soldiers into every ghetto
And unleashed a thousand bullets.

They fired back with built-in guns.
Machines with rocket launchers.
The robots rolled, a thousand tons,
Annihilation would not occur.

This war, today, is still raging.
Both sides refuse to yield.
On both sides, soldiers waging
For reasons that are now revealed:

They took each of our jobs without fail...
And slept with our females.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

IT'S A BLIZZARD!!! - 5/4/11 (Romanticism)

As I rest on the ground one day
I found myself filled with glee
From many animals at play
On the ground in front of me.

The warmth was nice; i sought for words.
But I found this all was fleeting.
Because after eating a Reese's Blizzard
I discovered my brain was freezing!

In The Dust - 1/1/11 (Narrative)

You'll soon forget me.
This I know.
I reach out slowly.
Still you go.

You chose my brother.
What of I?
Why take another?
Just tell me why!

Will I see you, then?
Only in heaven?
You ditched me? '10?
For 2011!?

I Love You - 12/22/10 (Limerick)

I never want to be with another.
With you my heart feels all aflutter.
We are a perfect pair.
Such a thing is quite rare.
The love between jam and peanut butter.

Step-Nephews And Nieces - 1/5/11 (Quatrain)

It's really funny.  Matthew thinks
His name is Henry, but it's not.
Such a name really stinks.
Madden's the name that he's got.

And then there's Jaxon; funny guy.
We used to take turns fighting Stitch.
Likes third base; no balls get by.
He'll play in the majors and get rich.

Talyn, too, is one of the bunch.
I think he was a dog before.
He fell asleep on my shoulder once,
But his scream is hard to ignore.

A girl in the group is little Teighgan.
She adds charm to the group.
The twins can always make her grin,
And she laughs when you say poop.

Jaleigh is also one of the girls.
She reminds me of a princess.
The sentences that her mouth unfurls
Will make you laugh more, not less.

The last of the bunch is big man Pierson.
One of the cutest kids I've seen.
The guy acts as tough as anyone
Yet he never acts very mean.

Soon- 12/18/10 (Imagery)

Not even a whole week has gone by
Since I saw the sun in your eyes.
The could bliss of your hand secure in mine
And the way your smile would endlessly shine.
I'll shout it out loud in hope that you'll hear:
Our time together is drawing near.

So don't you worry now.
I'll get to you somehow.
Take each day one at a time
And once again you will be mine.
Puzzle pieces belong together,
Like I want to be with you forever.

I know each day seems to crawl on
And always seems so long.
Each night surely ends with your voice.
But you'd be in my arms if I had the choice.
Waiting much longer is my greatest fear.
But until then we'll just play it by ear.

If you miss me, just wait for the night.
Look in the sky; find the brightest light.
It shines in the dark but seems gone during days.
Yet like my love remains there always.
In all these ways I'm just like the moon.
Stay warm in my hoodie; I will hold you soon.

Helpless - 11/6/10 (Free Verse)

Have you ever been sitting when the pain is gone
And the hurt flows in like a tidal wave?
Your friends all smile, it’s not with them.
Yet one finds a way to drive the stake in deep
And strike right down where we all know it hurts.
There is no blood or bones, but still
For some reason it stings you all the way through.
All the while he burns against you,
Describing your wrongs and transgressions against him.
If only he knew of all the times you’d considered
Removing yourself from the group, for the better.
Without you there the anger couldn’t focus
And the agitation would stop on a dime.
Relief would come to you, as well
Because there would be no cause for the guilt.
Truly, if he knew the pain of being rejected
At the moment you ask what is wrong.
You have shot him down before, just to talk
But he always knew the concerns.
Now, in the dark, you try in vain
And he accuses you yet of treachery.
He thinks you plan against him every hour
Ironic…everyone else sees the pain.

I Want To Play A Game - 10/29/10 (Epitaph)

Oh, cancer ended you.
But you hoped to teach others of life.
So with each you played a game
That was always full of strife.

Leaf. Pile. - 10/17/10 (Couplet)

Behold the yard so covered in brown!
Leaves are constantly hitting the ground!

Grab the rakes, I have a plan.
We’ll stack them as high as we can.

Count the rakes, there’s only six.
Seven of us, we’re in a fix.

But Papa Bill got us a leaf blower!
It’s the autumn version of a mower!

Stack them higher, upward bound!
We’re making a giant freaking mound.

The pile’s done, but it’s in vain. Oh!
The blower’s made this pile a volcano!

Leaves fall down, it’s raining the things!
And laughter in our ears, it rings.

Rebuild the stack, we’re not done yet.
But you’ll have to wait until the next couplet!

Christina and Shannon, into the unknown!
Into the mountain they fly, alone!

Then together, us four, like times of old
Take pictures exactly as we’re told.

Now we’re done, jumping was fun.
Especially when preceded by a run.

Now the day is over, but not without harm.
Tyler has scratches and stuff on his arm…

BANG - 09/26/10 (Cinquain)

So loud.
The gun fired.
Only a pop gun.

Action Potential - 09/25/10 (Cacophony)

Action potentials occur in neurons.
They resound down the tails, known as axons.
It results from a loss of resting potential
And in communication is entirely crucial.
The AP, indeed, is sent, RRRANNGGG, down the tail
And reverses the RP without fail.
It’s beginning to be understood in our nation
That it occurs because of depolarization.
See, neurons are like all other cells
With a membrane that separates two different gels.
On one side of this membrane rests two ions.
There’s Cl- and Na+, a cation.
On the reverse is A-, ion, organic.
And K+; AP doesn’t happen without it.
The Na+ channels open, and indeed very fast
Into the cell, WSSSHHH, Na+ has amassed.
This sudden shift throws off equilibrium
So K+ must then get away from them.
Why is this so?  What by this is meant?
Well, ions must abide by the electrical gradient.
But then Na+ channels begin to close
And now a new problem has arose.
Too much + on a chart causes a lump
So the cell compensates with the Na+/K+ pump!
By using this, combined with diffusion,
We see that the Na+ no longer makes and intrusion.
Without this spike in polarity
The neuron then returns to its original RP.

Black and Brown - 09/24/10 (Ballade)

All around me trees rise up.
They entice me with their flowing cup
Of honey that leaks down from above the branches
And music that speaks of long lost chances.
The sky is bright but no sun shines
Through the giant woolen lines.
I’m stuck in a forest surrounded by tile!

The heat is always overbearing
And the stench is such I don’t feel like sharing.
The conditions are getting more and more
Like something a fly would be pining for.
The trees around me are brown and black.
Clearly life is something they lack.
I’m stuck in a forest surrounded by tile!

You probably pity me. a man
Stuck within a forest without a plan.
Well now I must finally take a stand.
I had hoped not, but you’ve forced my hand.
This forest I’m in, don’t soon forget
Is so, for I’m a bug in Ian’s carpet!
I’m stuck in a forest surrounded by tile!

Brick By Brick - 09/23/10 (Allegory)

Brick by brick the columns drop
Onto the blank ground below.
Little by little the bricks stack up higher
And our stack of colors, it grows.

But this is not just a game to pass time.
Each piece must be carefully placed.
If you hurry and misplace even one
All the progress you’ve made is erased.

You see, lining them up from side to side
Will eliminate the old line.
And in eliminating what is no longer needed
You can start to advance just fine.

At the same time, the blocks will drop faster
And your ability to align will be tested.
Make sure you keep your wits about you
So that your skills at balance aren’t bested.

Eventually, though, like all good things,
This race is going to end.
The blocks will stack all the way to the top
And it will be unable to mend.

You see, not all things can be tidied forever.
You are bound to one day grow careless.
Until that day comes you will want to sit down
And spend all of your time deep in practice.

Glasses - 09/22/10 (Prose)

It’s amazing what glasses can do to a face, like bring out the eyes or an old thought, erase.  Like changing the lighting in an old movie scene or changing from two percent to stuff that’s more lean.  Either way the face of the wearer seems changed.  Sometimes for the good, but never deranged.  Yes, though some are embarrassed to let others see them with glasses, I think they look good on one of many lasses.  I wonder if she knows that the glasses look good, or that if I had the courage to tell her, I would.  Another example is this kid named DJ.  He’s contracted cancer, but still I would say that the glasses bring happiness back to his eyes and the child looks cute, no matter how hard he tries.  I guess what I’m trying to say to you’s this: with glasses you’ll look good, it’s not hit or miss.

RHYMING!!! - 09/19/10 (Rhyme)

Today I have to write with rhyme
Which is something I do all the time.
Honestly today’s style seems a crime
And likelihood I’ll shirk it off is prime.
Right about now it’s bedtime
And to write a poem now would begrime
The name I’ve made in my climb.
Especially now in this clime
Where we can grow neither lemon nor lime
And the winter winds often rime
It’s bad to stay up late and I’m
Beginning to feel sick as the clocks chime
Of having to rhyme all the time.
In my pocket I found a dime.
My thoughts, you think, are getting sublime
As I make sounds that resemble enzyme
And construct a poem from this slime;
The struggle reminds me of a mime
And though this is an enjoyable pastime
I’m putting an end to this despicable rhyme.

Masood - 09/21/10 (Terza Rima)

Almost as cool as Masood's.
Dean Masood is a dean that has no equal.
After all, he has an amazing mustache.
The fact of the matter is this guy is cool.

I once watched him do a dance in training
While pretending that he was a bad student.
Good thing it was just a ruse he was feigning.

Oh, what a guy, back behind a hairy lip.
That thing is slowly taking over his face.
It’s a darn good thing he knows how to stay hip.

Pick L - 09/20/10 (Rhyme Royal)

Whenever someone desire to eat a pickle
And their desire is one that they must tickle
Then surely it would flow that they must eat
This super sour, green and tangy, snack treat!
But where is it that one could find such things?
Not amongst jewelers’ heavily priced rings!
Go to the vegetable aisle.