B efore I knew it began.
C ollege has begun
D oing what I can.
E ven still, it's not all that bad
F inding my way to and from each class.
G irls are going here and there,
H eaven knows that Daniel would watch them pass!
I am trying as each day goes on,
J ust to make things a bit more fun!
K illing things in Borderlands;
L eaving time each day to run.
M ore and more I'm finding out,
N o matter how hard I try,
O ver everything else it seems...
P oetry is fun to write!
Q uite in contrast with last year
R ight off the bat, I'll say,
S omething has changed in me this year
T his year will be okay!
U nto all my loved ones,
V erily I say to you:
W ill you please buy me H2O?
X erostomia has gotten me too.
Y et, so we can end on a happy note:
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